The SNAC-K study attracts attention in the local news

A detailed overview of the SNAC-K population-based aging study was published in the local newspaper Mitt i Stockholm on January 17, 2025. The article highlights the size of the study sample, the extensive data collection, and the key figures behind its success. The piece features Mårten Lagergren, founder of the national SNAC study; Laura Fratiglioni, former Principal Investigator (PI) of SNAC-K; and Amaia Calderón-Larrañaga, the newly appointed PI starting in 2025.

“I’m incredibly thankful to Laura —not only for entrusting me with the future of this project but above all for her brilliance in initiating this unique study, which has answered many aging-related questions, since the early 2000s,” sais Amaia.

To access the article in Mitt i Stockholm follow the link